Stephenson Family Recipes
We will add some of our favorite family recipes over time.
Brunswick Stew
Brunswick Stew From the Kitchen Of Elizabeth Stephenson (Geneva McLeroy’s daughter)
This is Liz’s own recipe and the one that I use to make Brunswick Stew for the McLeroy Family Reunion
2 lbs Pork
2 lbs Beef
1 chicken
4-5 large onions
4 cans diced tomatoes
2 cans corn (not creamed)
1 small bottle of catsup (I assume it is a 16 oz bottle)
¼ Worcestershire sauce
½ cup vinegar
Cayenne pepper (Usually 1 tsp is enough)
On Liz’s Original Recipe card there are no instructions. My method to make this stew is the following:
Season with salt pepper and cook the meats all day in low heat oven. (250 degrees) If you want to smoke the meats put a rub of your choice on them and put them into the smoker. Cook until “pull” tender stage. If it pulls away from the bone real easy it is done.
While the meat is cooking, chop the onions and put into a frying pan on low heat with a little bacon grease and then add in the kernel corn. Toss and cook until you begin to get a little color on the onions. Don’t let this pan get dry as the onions will burn.
Trim the fat and bones from the meats. Put each meat through a meat grinder or you can use a food processor. Put ground meats into large heavy kettle.
Add the tomatoes and onions.
Add the rest of the ingredients. Taste test to be sure it has the right seasoning for you.
Put a medium low heat under it and let it cook for about another hour to blend the flavors.

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